





Tantra Community Night

Sara & Thomas Stout of LovePassionately
Sara & Thomas Stout of LovePassionately

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Tantra is a way of life – and it takes practice
Tantra Community Night is a place to come together and develop your Tantra skills: presence, awareness, a sense of closeness with self and others and opening to higher states of consciousness.

Like yoga or learning to play a musical instrument, Tantra is a learned skill. Regular attention and in depth exercises strengthens your capacity to live a spiritually blissful and passionate life, every day in all ways. Since Tantra is a body-based spiritual practice, you will develop your relationship with your body through deep listening and inviting each moment to be a new level of self expression.


We are back IN PERSON!  Discover your community!

Gold Shiva

Tantra is a path of sensual awakening and exploration that helps us move out of ordinary states and enter states of heightened feeling and awareness.  Simple, accessible practices can enhance the pleasure, sensuality, and satisfaction of your everyday experience.

We use the transformative power of community, mindful movement, touch, breath and sound to cultivate more pleasure, joy, and intimacy. This allows us to live more fully and more consciously.

Let’s celebrate our wonderful connection!

Saturday, Dec 3, 2022        7 pm – 9:15 pm Central
$25 in advance, $35 after 5pm

South Minneapolis (location given upon registration)

Please fill out the Registration Application below and we will contact you soon. 

We look forward to being with you,

Sara & Thomas
Certified SkyDancing Tantra Teachers

Registration Application

Upon completing this form, your information will be forwarded to the event organizer.
The Organizer will contact you with further instructions and to arrange payment.
We wish you rich discoveries!

Please send me information for the following workshop:
My contact details