


Skydancers Intensive - Advanced Practice

The Skydancing Institute is pleased to offer to the members of its Sangha a new opportunity to continue to dive deeper on the journey they have undertaken in the world of Tantra. A continuous group with regular one-week trainings has been created, intended to intensify your search and have a regular practice. New themes will be presented every year and new teachers will be invited to bring a different color to this progression.

Tantra is a path of conscience. The Tantrika searches for one’s true nature, one’s essence, and one’s vibration. Through practice and experience, one gradually sheds social, family, educational, and sexual beliefs, concepts and ideas that obscure and distort one’s worldview. This path invites the Tantrika to find profound and relaxed joy. To be achieved, it requires involvement, assiduousness and sometimes courage.

The Skydancers Intensive offers to those who have completed at least 3 cycles of the Love & Ecstasy Training or who have gone through other recognized schools of Tantra an opportunity to deepen their search.

Upcoming SkyDancers Intensives

At the bottom of the page of each event you will find a Registration / Information Form.

Margot Anand
Margot Anand
MOVE YOUR WAY TO BLISS with Margot Anand
Date Jun 11, 2025 - Jun 18, 2025

If you desire to rediscover your full expression of yourself, you are ready for the next step with the Advanced week-long trainings, including the Love and Ecstasy Training (LET). Upon completing the introductory events, you've got the tools to get the most out of the intensive trainings where you access your true ecstatic nature.