Tantra is a spiritual and mystical path, the essence of which is condensed in the first two verses of the 9th century “Spandakarika (Song of Vibration) of Kallata:”
1) Beloved Shankara (Shiva = unmanifested awareness), source of Shakti (= energy) opens his eyes and the Universe reabsorbs into pure consciousness. He closes them and Universe manifests in him.
2) The vibration (Spanda), which is the very place of creation and return has no limit, because its nature has no form.
In those two verses lies the essence of the common ground of all Tantric beliefs.
There is no separation between the individual and the world. Consciousness without any form and any limit supports the Energy of the Universe of which everything is made. We are, at the same time, a conduit for this energy, and as well as its only reality. The microcosm represented by the Tantrika is a reflection of the Universe and, by itself alone, contains the macrocosm (the Universe or the Creation). Accessing the sensation of the vacuity that underlies anything, as well as moving away from the illusion that the individual is separated from the rest of the world, allows the perception of Shakti, the universal Energy.
The path of the Tantrika is a path of awareness (Shiva) that leads to the perception of Energy (Shakti) and non-duality (Advaïta).
It is always difficult to determine where a river begins its course. Any such attempt in the field of Tantra is subject to interpretations and subjective assessments. The coming proposal does not escape this rule.
Neo-Tantra, as of today, is one of the most dynamic currents of Tantra. Proposals about Tantra become more abundant every day. Creativity is huge and there are as many types of Tantra as there are group-facilitators.
Neo-Tantra is a path that was inspired from ancient traditions of Tibetan Buddhism and Indian Shivaism and adapted to the West by searchers, therapists, psychologists, yogis and meditators. One could summarize it this way: it is an experimental path towards more individual consciousness and personal vitality (life-force energy). This path combines breathing techniques, still meditation, active meditations, rituals and forms of inter-action between participants, all aiming at developing those two aspects of being: Awareness and Energy. Neo-Tantra, as well as traditional forms should lead to a non-dual way to look at life. Getting out of judgments and all forms of discriminations, so as to embrace life fully through all its facets.
As soon as we become more conscious of who we are and how we interact with the world, we become more alive and we can be both the actor and the observer of our lives. Thus, we can quiet our minds and our attachments, and let ourselves find a natural space of nothingness, at our very centers. In our vision, Neo-Tantra has no other goal.
Tantrism is above all, a personal path towards enlightenment, an inner path towards a deeper perception that nothing is separated and that everything is Consciousness or Energy. It has fundamentally nothing to do with relationship or with classes of sexual education. Nevertheless, Neo-Tantra has given much freedom and importance to sexuality. This is a very good thing when one considers the ambient neurosis about sexuality. But we do not promote the Tantric doctrine to be used to justify any sexual orientation or behavior. Freedom is freedom after all!
Tantra deals with the level of Consciousness and Energy that we manifest in our lives without excluding the intimate or sexual aspects. Sexuality is so repressed in our society and collective unconscious, that it leads many people to believe that Tantra is mainly about sexuality (such focus being enhanced by our conscious or unconscious frustration). But Tantra is not a limited path. It embraces all facets of life, including sexuality.
It has to be said that even some traditional branches of Tantrism have used sexual practice to sacralise and symbolise their mystical quest. As a result, the West and Neo-Tantra have associated the idea of Tantra with a quest for a better sexuality or relationship to one another. This misunderstanding has been aggravated by the belief that the union between Energy and Consciousness had compulsorily to be ritualized through the sexual meditation between a woman and a man. This is not true. Tantric enlightenment can as well be achieved through meditation when one deeply dives into the emerging and shivering feeling of any sensation of desire or joy when diving into the infinite space that lies between in-breath and out-breath.
As a result, nothing from our teachings should be used to justify any relational or sexual preference, orientation or behavior. A Tantrika is a free individual, free from the very moment of renouncing the urge to classify themself in a specific category. Anybody can be a Tantrika, regardless of their way of being or of considering life or relationship or sexuality.
In a SkyDancing Tantra Seminar, you should never be obliged to do anything that is beyond your limits. The exercise is not about "doing something" but about "watching consciously" how you react to various proposals. When the group-facilitator presents a practice, please consider it as an invitation, a proposal. Your process is to:
- Check how you receive this proposal.
- Consciously assess whether it feels feasible to you or not and how difficult it looks to you.
- Make a decision to do or not do.
- Communicate your choice with your partner gently, without fear or guilt you will hurt them if you decide not to do what is offered.
You may also decide to do less than what is proposed. For example, the group-facilitator invites you to share a 3 minute hug in stillness and silence with someone. You may decide to stay at a distance of 2 meters, or 1 meter, or to simply propose to your partner to take each other’s hands or to go for a full hug. You may use all your creativity, and yet, stick to the proposal without hurting yourself by going beyond your limits.
In other words, in a SkyDancing Tantra seminar, you can always do less (in particular in terms of shared intimacy) than what is proposed. Never more. (in the above example, caresses on the back during the proposed hug would be more).
There is no required nudity. However, in sessions where nudity is an option, we welcome whatever choice is right for you. Awareness of your boundaries, limitations, and authentic full participation in each moment is a very important part of SkyDancing Tantra. For some people, choosing to be nude can be a profoundly healing experience, and for others, choosing to remain clothed can be an empowering choice.
There is no explicit sexual activity during our workshops. Tantra, by nature, can be a very sensual experience. An example of this would be placing your hand on your partner's heart, prolonged eye contact or a sensual massage; which aren’t sexual by nature, but can indeed become quite sensual, when performed mindfully. You will be invited to participate in intimate conversations and interactions, all designed to help develop a loving connection with your body, to the degree that works for you. Our week long Love & Ecstasy Trainings include the option for hand-to-genital contact if so desired by the partners involved. At these times, "safer sex" practices will be strictly observed and are required for those that aren't partnered outside of the workshop.
Tantra is mainly an individual path. A path of freedom. You may want to attend a seminar either as a couple, a triad, or as an individual. There are some Tantra Seminars specifically for Couples to which you may not attend as a solo. All SkyDancing Tantra Approved Seminars offered by our Institutes are accessible to singles, couples, any combination of relating or any form of identifying with a gender or not.
During our seminars, when you attend as a couple, you are always free to choose whether you want to practice with your partner or not. Group-facilitators are trained to provide indications and time for partners to make a decision before each practice. Some of our partnered participants always practice together, some never split and some split from time to time after having taken the time to discuss and decide together. Choosing becomes an exercise of awareness for each of our partnered participants.
In our SkyDancing Tantra seminars, we offer times of whole group interaction, exercises in small groups, dyads, and triads. You are free to choose your level of participation in whatever we suggest. Most partnering is done randomly, by trusting the universe to provide the perfect “divine choice.” Our workshops are designed to be relevant and accessible to all sexual orientations and relationship configurations. We encourage you to open your heart and see all other participants as the divine beings they truly are. Often, significant learning and growth is gained by partnering with those that you might not usually choose. We see this as an excellent opportunity to break free from old patterns and expand your awareness and learning. Understanding your boundaries, limitations, and authentic full participation in each moment is an essential part of SkyDancing Tantra.
Yes, you can, keeping in mind that for many people, SkyDancing Tantra is a life-changing experience. After having gone through our seminars, people often look at life very differently than before. Sometimes, when you come alone to a Tantra workshop, the change in you is so significant that it may disrupt your relationship patterns. A divide may occur and become so wide that the connection between the two partners becomes challenging.
Take time to discuss this decision with your partner before attending Tantra workshops without your partner(s). Also, make sure that their resistances are not based on a misconception about Tantra. If that appears to be the case, suggest that your partner call a SkyDancing Teacher or Institute Director to express their fears. Perhaps, by understanding more about Tantra, your partner will choose to come with you.
If your partner is still not interested, make your decision for yourself. We have many individuals attend as solo and find the experience enhances all of their relationships. Be mindful that even when attending together, challenges can arise, through which many couples flourish, and some struggle. SkyDancing Tantra Trainings are powerful and yet they are not a replacement for marriage therapy. There is no right or wrong choice regarding the seminar; the question is, what is the better option for you and your relationship? Maybe it is better for your relationship to decline, maybe not.
We often have a number of people who are new in our introductory classes and seminars. We pride ourselves on helping newcomers feel safe, secure and welcomed. We would consider this to be one of our specialties. If you are feeling nervous, please email or call us so we can answer your questions and help you feel at ease. We hope you will find a new tribe through SkyDancing Tantra.
We’ve had people in their 80’s and their 20's having a great time and expanding their notions of who they are in life. Please, don’t let age be an excuse! You are always the perfect age to keep learning and having more fun!
Join us! We are committed to creating a space where people of all sizes and shyness levels can discover their authentic voice and expression. Most often, our students tell us how comfortable, safe and close they felt in a short time. The exercises we offer are designed to help you relax and be included so you don’t have to feel left out. You are also welcome to step out of any practice, if you desire.
We view touch as sacred and welcome contact and connection when initiated with respect and consent. When asked for touch, or if a cue is misread, a palm facing outward is our gesture for “stop/no thank you”. When, or if a fellow participant doesn’t understand this body language, simply speak a clear “No”.
Please do NOT wear colognes, perfumes, or scented products. Many people are sensitive to them. Being together in an enclosed space can make scents impossible to escape. It’s a good idea to brush your teeth and bathe/shower before attending a session!
Margot Anand is respected as one of the world’s authorities of Tantra. Many people wish to incorporate these practices into their life and teaching about the path of awakening.
Please be aware that completion of any or all cycles of the Love & Ecstasy Training does not qualify you to teach SkyDancing Tantra. Our teachers complete an extensive 2 year Certified Teacher Training (CTT) and an additional 1-2 years of studying and mentoring to be prepared to teach SkyDancing Tantra.
It’s wonderful if you love the methods so much that you wish you could share them but please respect the licensing rights and depth of training needed to teach.
Payment Terms: Deposit payment of $750 per person are required to register for the Love & Ecstasy Trainings. Payment of the balance is due 45 days in advance. Full payment is due when you register less than 45 days before start date.
Cancellation Policy: Although deposit payments are non-refundable, if you cancel your registration more than 45 days in advance, we are happy to issue you a credit voucher for the tuition amount you have paid. If you cancel your registration more than 20 days in advance, we will issue you a credit voucher for 50% of the tuition you have paid. Credit vouchers are non-transferrable and valid for one year towards select events.
If you can’t attend due to unforeseen circumstances, you may transfer your ticket to someone else of your choosing, provided they meet the entrance requirements or we are happy to issue you a credit voucher for 50% of the amount of tuition. Credit vouchers are non-transferrable and valid for one year towards select events.
If there are documented medical reasons for your inability to attend, we may allow you to attend a future event on the same topic at our sole discretion. Any refund is subject to a 10% processing fee.
For SkyDancing Tantra Institute: Contact us at
For LovePassionately ~ School of Mindful & Bodyful Intimacy: Contact us at
If you’re unsure where to direct your question, don’t worry! Send us an email, and we’ll ensure it gets to the right team.